Distorted Convention

Milo Hannum

Distorted Convention


Milo Hannum


Milo Hannum


Like That - JP Saxe

Milo Hannum has been part of Kaleidoscope Dance Company for seven years and greatly enjoys the copious opportunities to perform. His favorite part about the company is The Community! “Every member is so supportive of their fellow Kaleidoscopians, and highly committed to dancing at a professional level.” When not dancing Milo enjoys ultimate frisbee, soccer, sailing, and orienteering, all of which he feels have been improved by skills learned in Kaleidoscope.


This is my story and journey as a male dancer. It is one that has substantially shaped me as a person and is something I feel obligated to share with others, especially young boys in dance. Today’s society pushes a “conventional normal” on us and it sometimes feels as if we don’t have control over our own decisions. If you take nothing else away from this piece, at least know that, despite what you may have been led to believe, the only thing holding you back is you. So don’t…